Ken Murray served in a top secret cryptographic unit of the U. S. Army in the Pentagon during the Korean war, organizing intelligence from codes deciphered by the National Intelligence Agency. He moved to Florida in 1958, retired early and for the past fifteen years has been writing novels and poetry. His latest novel, The Jeweler, made me want to know more about him, and then share it with you. I'll let him introduce himself, then you get to see how the get some cool free stuff in his giveaway.
Thanks Austin for letting me post on your blogspot. I've been writing for over 15 years, self-published three books, and soured on trying to get published - too many rejections, even though most all authors have had the same problem, like James Lee Burke, said he took thirteen years to get noticed.
And guess what - the muse fell off my shoulder. I'd never had writer's block, but attitude can change everything.
Then I found poetry, studied it, took critique poetry classes at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, where we live - then she talked to me again. Muse said "Let's go for it." Done some presentations with the curator at The Orlando Museum of Art, combining paintings and poems. Poetry is much more intense than prose, and very satisfying.
I'm back! All three novels are now ebooks, and I just finished "The Second Creation," a sci-fi novel. I want the challenge of writing in a number of sub-genres under the heading of fiction.
Now my wife says - "all this news about dark matter in space physicists can't find. All of its in your brain." Damn, I hope so - near insanity is a writer's best friend. Here's two verses from my poem:
Abnormality, paranoia, insanity
I'd prefer to be a savant
Could I then hear, touch, sense,
The mystical monk's chant.
Give me the right lobe of
One blessed with a 200 IQ
And I'd shame Shakespeare
Poe, Mozart, and Montesquieu.
Besides putting my new sci-fi novel on Kindle, Nook, and Kobo; I'm going to put a few chapters on Wattpad or Scribd. See if I can pick up some action there.

Ken Murray would love to hear from you. You can reach him at
Where to Purchase:
· First prize: Autographed Copy of The Jeweler; $20 Amazon Gift Card
· Second prize: Autographed Copy of The Jeweler
· Third prize: Autographed Copy of The Jeweler" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
OR go here for the giveaway:
About The Jeweler:
Cole Hanson learned the jewelry trade early in life. Dealing in emeralds in Columbia, Hanson is kidnapped and taken to the mountain jungle lair of the Black Jaguar, a cocaine drug lord. He witnesses a horrible triple murder, executes the killer, and escapes. Hanson is overwhelmed by a euphoric rush and struggles with this discovered Jekyll and Hyde personality. Hanson is recruited to become an assassin for the CIA who learns of his strange predilection for death and uses this alter ego to press The Jeweler ever deeper into espionage and assassinations around the world. Murder occurs in England. Diskettes with top secret information about the Soul Catcher are stolen. Incensed, Hanson seeks the killers, but is on his own without CIA approval as clues take him across Europe and to the Vatican for revenge. After twenty years of service The Jeweler attempts his toughest sanction. Hussein is well guarded moving between palaces and seems an impossible target until fate deals a hand. Hussein flees on his mega-yacht. Hanson battles his way on board for the final action and twists in the Persian Gulf.